PestTrap Air: Digital Pest Tracking Station 

PestTrap Air is an IoT pest-tracking station that uses machine learning to identify and count pests in real-time. Unlike PestTrap, which uses pheromones, PestTrap Air utilizes color to attract insects. PestTrap Air optimizes crop yields while reducing the economic impact of pest-related damage. Compact by design and ideal for outdoor use in any weather condition, this digital trap ensures reliable pest tracking with uninterrupted data flow. Protect your field with the environmentally friendly technology of PestTrap Air!

Why Choose PestTrap Air?

Digital Pest Tracking: Detect Pests Before It Is Too Late

Choose Your Color
Choose Your Color

PestTrap Air's sticky paper is available in different colors to target specific pest types.

Cutting-Edge Pest Detection & Recognition Technology
Cutting-Edge Pest Detection & Recognition Technology

Our advanced deep learning algorithm detects pest type and density with exceptional accuracy, identifying even small insects such as Tuta Absoluta. PestTrap Air captures two daily images of the trap and plots population changes in real time.

Always Stay Updated
Always Stay Updated

PestTrap Air captures daily images of pest populations and tracks them in real time, sending push notifications when pest levels reach a risk threshold. Automated pest detection is crucial for protection, enabling timely and effective spraying.

Transparency & Traceability
Transparency & Traceability

Keep detailed records of your pest control activities and products with PestTrap Air. Demonstrate transparent and traceable practices and prove compliance with industry standards by sharing your records with certification companies.

An Integrated Experience
An Integrated Experience

PestTrap Air comes with the IoTrack app, where users can view collected data transformed into well-designed graphs and consult with our expert agronomists. You can also integrate PestTrap Air into FMS to track all your agricultural practices in one place.

How to purchase?

Contact us to find out what your business needs.